The Lost Writings of Wu Hsin
“The world can never own a man who wants nothing.”

The sum of a past is I was.
The sum of a future is I will be.
The continuous crossing back and forth Between the two Obscures the present moment, The I am, Being Itself.
The preoccupation with The foreground, the sights,
The smells, The sounds, Takes the attention away from The background.
Yet, it is in this very background that The Mystery resides.
— Wu Hsin

The central problem is not that
You think to highly Of yourself
Nor is it that
You think too lowly Of yourself.
Instead, it is that
You think constantly Of yourself.
— Wu Hsin
One hundred years after Confucius, came Wu Hsin. His name literally means ‘no-mind.’ And there is almost no trace of this person available, except The Lost Writings of Wu Hsin, which is probably how he would have liked it.